Monday, December 28, 2020

2020: Nights and Weekends Projects in Review


2020 in Review

Last year was my first year-end blog post looking back at the prior year's projects, and I thought I'd continue the (now) tradition this year. 2020 has definitely been a different year for me, and not just because of the COVID19 situation. It's been a year to take a step back and consider directions, next steps, and the tools I'll need to get there. But it's also included some interesting and fun "nights and weekends" projects. Let's jump in with a project that's much more targeted at the future -- retooling for the new meaning of cross-platform.

The New Cross-Platform and Retooling

Cross-platform has always been a key development consideration of mine when developing software. In the early 2000s, cross-platform largely meant that software would run well on Linux, Windows, and macOS -- ideally without incurring significant development overhead. During these years, I found Java to be a productive way to approach developing cross-platform software. 

More recently, cross-platform has taken on a more-expansive meaning. These days, it's often desirable to make functionality available to users and developers in a variety of environments in addition to across a range of operating systems:
  • As a C/C++ or Java library accessible via an API
  • As a Python extension
  • As a web service accessible via a json-rpc API
  • Executing in a browser
One project in particular -- a language-processing library -- really emphasized these cross-platform requirements. I could see needing to make this language parser and related logic available via a Python API, available as a web service, running locally in a browser, and (possibly) as part of a native desktop application. In all of these environments, of course, it had to be fast. 

I spent time looking at a variety of options. Python was great for software distribution and for use by integrators, but lacked performance and didn't provide an easy path to running in the browser. Typescript/Javascript looked interesting, but going that route appeared to make distribution as a Python extension or native library more difficult. Rust, also, looked promising in the long term, but a bit early in the near term.

After much investigation, my conclusion has been to pursue a bit of a "back to the future" solution: C++. C++ provides good native-compiled performance. It's well-supported for creating and delivering Python extensions. And, with a bit of Emscripten/WASM magic, it can be used in the browser.

Look for the first results of this new strategy to become available in 2021 as part of some language development tooling.

PyBFMs: High-performance BFMs

In 2018 and 2019 I put some focus on testbench methodology that worked across open-source and closed-source commercial tools, and eventually settled on using Python and the cocotb library. I quickly realized that it would be beneficial to have a library of Bus Functional Model (BFMs) for standard protocols, and that the overall simulation performance could be improved substantially if the low-level functionality of these BFMs was implemented in the hardware-description language and only the high-level functionality was implemented in Python. This led to creation of the PyBFMs project. 

Roughly speaking, there are two components to the PyBFMS project: a core package with code generators and a native library for interfacing with simulators, and a set of packages that each provide BFMs for a given protocol. 

Having a robust library of reusable and high-performance Python BFMs dramatically shortens the time it takes to create a Python verification environment for a design. Currently, this is a project that primarily makes progress as needed to support verification projects that I work on. My hope for 2021 on this project is to make progress on enabling others to contribute protocol BFMs that are of interest to them.  

PyVSC: Constraints and Coverage in Python

One effort I continued from 2019 was my work with constraint solvers and embedded domain-specific languages (eDSLs). Compared to SystemVerilog, one thing I missed about Python was the lack of complex randomization and the ability to collect functional coverage.

The PyVSC (Python Verification Stimulus and Coverage) package is built on top of the high-performance Boolector solver. Python provides many features that enable embedding a new language inside Python, including operator-overloading and introspection. PyVSC makes heavy use of all of these features to allow users to model constraints and functional coverage within the Python language.

In addition to randomizing data to apply to the design being verified, doing good verification also requires tracking what has been tested. Functional coverage fills that role in commercial verification flows today. PyVSC also provides features for modeling and capturing functional coverage data. 

Google MPW Shuttle

One of the more-exciting projects I tackled this year was actually the furthest outside my areas of expertise. As such, I feel like I learned a lot, and came to have a much better appreciation for the challenges of ASIC implementation.

Like many others that I've met in the industry, my interest in electronics started as a hobby. Given the decade, my earliest experience with electronics was at the component level -- designing circuits at the schematic level, then soldering those circuits together either with point-to-point wires or on hand-etched PCBs. It's amazing to see how far we've come since then in terms of readily-available CAD software for PCB layout and accessible, cost-effective, on-demand manufacturing of high-quality PCBs for hobbyists.

The story is quite different when it comes to chip design, of course. Hobbyists and low-volume commercial applications have access to FPGAs, while creating an ASIC remains a complex and expensive proposition. 

There are signs this could be changing, though. Several projects have been working on assembling the elements and tools needed to implement an ASIC using open-source and/or closed-source tools. One big thing to change this year was availability of a Process Design Kit (PDK) under an open-source license. The SkyWater 130nm PDK doesn't target a cutting-edge technology node by any means, but it's certainly still relevant. And, having a manufacturable PDK is a key enabler for the development of tools, methodologies, and expertise. 

Of course, for a hobbyist like myself, having an open-source PDK is great and interesting, but there's little practical application. Or, at least there wasn't until I learned about the Google-sponsored Multi-Project Wafer (MPW) shuttle. The premise was quite simple: provide a design targeting the SkyWater PDK and get some chips fabricated. Much of the heavy lifting on the mechanics of this project (at least as far as I could tell) was done by eFabless, a company that provides SoC development services. 

I plan to write more about the process of going from RTL to GDS-II with an open-source toolchain in the coming year. For now, I want to commend Google, eFabless, and SkyWater for pushing the envelope in enabling custom-silicon development!

Looking Forward

So, what's in store for 2021? More hardware development -- this time with an emphasis on targeting the SkyWater PDK. And, perhaps, a return to creating language-development tools. No matter what projects come along, I know there will always be new things to learn!

The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Arrays, Dynamic Arrays, Queues: One List to Rule them All

Randomizable lists are, of course, very important in modeling more-complex stimulus, and I've been working to support these within PyVSC recently. Thus far, PyVSC has attempted to stay as close as possible to both the feature set and, to the extent possible, the look and feel of SystemVerilog features for modeling constraints and coverage.  With randomizable lists, unlike other features, I've decided to diverge from the SystemVerilog. Keep reading to learn a bit more about the capabilities of randomizable lists in PyVSC and the reason from diverging from the SystemVerilog approach.

SystemVerilog: Three Lists with Different Capabilities
SystemVerilog is, of course, three or so languages in one. There's the synthesizable design subset used for capturing an RTL model of the design. There's the testbench subset that is an object-oriented language with classes, constraints, etc. There's also the assertion subset. These different subsets of the language have different requirements when it comes to data structures. These different requirements have led SystemVerilog to have three array- or list-like data structures:

Fixed-size arrays, as their name indicates, have a size specified as part of their declaration. A fixed-size array never changes size. Because  the array size is captured as part of the declaration, methods that operate on fixed-size arrays can only operate on a single-size array.

The size of dynamic-size arrays can change across a simulation. The size of a dynamic-size array is specified when it is created using the new operator. Once a dynamic-size array instance has been created, the only way to change its size is to re-create it with another new call. Well, actually, there is one other way. Randomizing a dynamic-size array also changes the size.

The size of a queue is changed by calling methods. Elements can be appended to the list, removed, etc. A queue is also re-sized when it is randomized.

PyVSC: One List with Three Options
If you've done a bit of Python programming, you're well aware that Python has a single list. Python's list is closest to SystemVerilog's queue data structure. My initial thought on supporting randomizable lists with PyVSC was just to create an equivalent to the list and be done. But then I thought a bit more about use models for arrays in verification. Each SystemVerilog array type represents a useful use model, but there's also another use model that I've never properly figured out how to easily represent in SystemVerilog. Fundamentally, there are two use cases for randomizable lists:
  • List with non-random elements
  • List with random elements, whose size is not random
  • List with random elements, whose size is random
When the size of a list whose size is not randomizable is modified by appending or removing elements, its size is preserved when the list is subsequently randomized.

Here are a few examples.

class my_item_c(object):
    def __init__(self):
      self.my_l = vsc.rand_list_t(vsc.uint8_t(), 4)

The example above declares a list that initially contains four random elements.

class my_item_c(object):
    def __init__(self):
      self.my_l = vsc.randsz_list_t(vsc.uint8_t())

    def my_l_c(self):
        self.my_l.size in vsc.rangelist((1,10))
The example above declares a list whose size will be randomized when the list is randomized. A list with randomized size must have a top-level constraint that specifies the maximum size of the list. Note that in this case the size of the list will be between 1 and 10.

If you wish to use a list of non-random values in constraints, you must store those values in an attribute of type list_t. This allows PyVSC to properly capture the constraints.
class my_item_c(object):
    def __init__(self):
      self.a = vsc.rand_uint8_t()
      self.my_l = vsc.list_t(vsc.uint8_t(), 4)

      for i in range(10):

    def a_c(self):
      self.a in self.my_l

it = my_item_c()

with it.randomize_with(): 
      it.a == 20 

In the example above, the class contains a non-random list with values 0..9. After an instance of the class is created, the list is modified to also contain 20. Then we randomize the class with an additional constraint that a must be 20. This randomization will succeed because the my_l list does contain the value 20.

Using Lists in Foreach Constraints 

PyVSC now also supports the foreach constraint. By default, a foreach constraint provides a reference to each element of the array. 
class my_s(object):
    def __init__(self);
        self.my_l = vsc.rand_list_t(vsc.uint8_t(), 4)

    def my_l_c(self):
        with vsc.foreach(self.my_l) as it:
            it < 10
In the example above, we constrain each element of the list to have a value less then 10. However, it can also be useful to have an index to use in computing values. The foreach construct allows the user to request that an index variable be provided instead.
class my_s(object):
    def __init__(self);
        self.my_l = vsc.rand_list_t(vsc.uint8_t(), 4)

    def my_l_c(self):
        with vsc.foreach(self.my_l, idx=True) as i:
            self.my_l[i] < 10
The example above is identical semantically to the previous one. However, in this case we refer to elements of the list by their index. But, what if we want both index and value iterator?
class my_s(object):
    def __init__(self);
        self.my_l = vsc.rand_list_t(vsc.uint8_t(), 4)

    def my_l_c(self):
        with vsc.foreach(self.my_l, it=True, idx=True) as (i,it):
            it == (i+1)

Just specify both 'it=True' and 'idx=True' and both index and value-reference iterator will be provided.

One List to Rule them All
As of the 0.0.4 release (available now!) PyVSC supports lists of randomizable elements whose size is either fixed or variable with respect to randomization. Check it out and see how it helps in modeling more-complex verification scenarios in Python!

The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Python Verification Stimulus and Coverage: Constraints

Over the past few blog posts, we've looked at:
In this post, we will look at how to model constraints in Python using the PyVSC library. Several libraries that I'm familiar with (mostly C++) provide a way to embed constraints using an embedded domains-specific language. I've felt some discontent with the way that this is done because it's fairly different from what we're familiar with in languages that treat constraints as first-class language constructs.  Specifically, in C++, constraints are often modeled as lists of comma-separated expressions, and not as blocks of statements the way a first-class language would model them. This means that constraints that would normally be grouped in a block need to be split up into multiple blocks. And, when constraints are combined, they become difficult to read. One of my motivations in examining Python's support for embedded domain-specific languages was to see if Python offered a better approach. My feeling is that it most definitely does, and I hope you agree.

The examples in this post come from the PyVSC documentation. The latest version is always directly available on

Constraint Blocks

Constraint blocks in PyVSC are special class methods that are decorated with a constraint Python decorator. The presence of the constraint decorator causes PyVSC to see treat these methods, not as a regular Python method, but as an element to construct a constraint expression model. Here's a simple example:
 class my_base_s(object):

     def __init__(self):
         self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
         self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)

     def ab_c(self):
        self.a < self.b
PyVSC calls the methods marked as constraints once during the class-elaboration process and creates an internal model of the constraint statements captured in these constraint blocks. It also replaces the method with a class field that has special properties. More on that later.
By overloading operators (such as "<"), PyVSC is able to get an expression tree that can be given to the Boolector SMT solver that does all the heavy-lifting of constraint solving for PyVSC. 

As in SystemVerilog, constraint blocks are considered "virtual". In other words, having a constraint in a sub-class with the same name as a constraint in a base class causes the base-class constraint to be replaced with the sub-class constraint. 
class my_base_s(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.c = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.d = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)

    def ab_c(self):
       self.a < self.b

class my_ext_s(my_base_s):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.c = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.d = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)

    def ab_c(self):
       self.a > self.b
In the example above, the ab_c constraint in the sub-class my_ext_s overrides the ab_c constraint in the base class my_base_s. The effect is that instances of my_ext_s will enforce the relationship (a > b) instead of the base-class relationship (b < a).

Constraint Expressions

PyVSC supports specifying constraints using the familiar set of expression constructs we're all used to using: <, >, ==, !=, etc. The one set of operators that do not behave as you would expect in Python are the logical ones: and, or, etc. Python doesn't allow overriding these logical operators, unlike other operators. Consequently, we use bit-wise operators instead. 

with my_i.randomize_with() as it:
    it.a_small() | it.a_large()
In the example above, a_small and a_large are boolean constraints. Normally, in Python, we would combine these using or. In a PyVSC constraint, we use | instead.

There are two special expressions to be aware of that can be used in constraints: the 'in' expression and part select. Both of these are frequently used in Python, and both can be used in constraints with PyVSC.
class my_s(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.c = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.d = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)

    def ab_c(self):

       self.a in vsc.rangelist(1, 2, [4,8])
       self.c != 0
       self.d != 0

       self.c < self.d
       self.b in vsc.rangelist([self.c,self.d])
The 'in' expression operates on a PyVSC-type field on the left-hand side and a PyVSC rangelist on the right-hand side. A rangelist can contain individual values and ranges of values. A rangelist can contain both constant expressions, such as the literals shown in the first rangelist, and expressions involving other PyVSC variables.

Python provides array-slicing expressions, and PyVSC reuses these to implement bit-slicing of scalar fields.
class my_s(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(32)
        self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(32)

    def ab_c(self):

        self.a[7:3] != 0
        self.a[4] != 0
In this example, the part-select operator is used to ensure that certain bits and bit-ranges within the 'a' field are non-zero.

Constraint Statements

Statements pose two additional challenges when developing an embedded domain-specific language: often keywords are already in use by the host language (and cannot be overloaded), and languages often don't provide easy way to overload statement blocks. Here, Python definitely has some benefits. Now, not surprisingly, Python doesn't allow overloading of built-in statements.But, it does provide an easy-to-use way of creating scopes that can be used to capture block statements. 
PyVSC provides three constraint statements. If/else and Implies are block statements, while the 'unique' constraint is not.

Python's mechanism for introducing a block of statements is the 'with' statement. When combined with a user-defined object, the 'with' statement allows a library writer to comprehend statement blocks. Here is an example of an if/else constraint:
class my_s(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.c = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.d = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)

    def ab_c(self):

        self.a == 5

        with vsc.if_then(self.a == 1):
            self.b == 1
        with vsc.else_if(self.a == 2):
            self.b == 2
The if_then class is used to form the 'if' branch of an if/else statement. Additional 'else-if' branches can be added on with the 'else_if' class. The final 'else' case is described with the 'else_then' class. 

The implies constraint is similar, since 'implies' applies to a constraint block:
class my_s(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.c = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)

    def ab_c(self):

        with vsc.implies(self.a == 1):
            self.b == 1
Finally, the 'unique' constraint ensures that the specified terms have a unique value:
class my_s(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(32)
        self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(32)
        self.c = vsc.rand_bit_t(32)
        self.d = vsc.rand_bit_t(32)

    def ab_c(self):
        vsc.unique(self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d)

Customizing Declared Constraints

In general, we want to specify most of our constraints as part of the class hierarchy. However, there are quite a few cases where we need to customize things a bit when we randomize the class. PyVSC provides two capabilities to enable this: in-line constraints, and constraint mode.

In-line constraints allow us to add extra constraints that are specific to a randomization. To use this capability, use the 'randomize_with' call instead the the 'randomize' call as shown below:
class my_base_s(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)

    def ab_c(self):
       self.a < self.b

item = my_base_s()
for i in range(10):
   with item.randomize_with() as it:
     it.a == i
The example above ensures that 'a' increments 0..9 across 10 randomization calls. Note that the fields of the class can either be referenced via the handle that is being randomized (item) or via a special variable created by the 'with' block.

Constraint-mode allows entire constraint blocks to be turned on and off. Error-injection is one use-case for this feature. 

 class my_item(object):

     def __init__(self):
         self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
         self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)

     def valid_ab_c(self):
        self.a < self.b

item = my_item()
# Always generate valid values
for i in range(10):


# Allow invalid values
for i in range(10):
As shown in the example above, the first 10 randomizations have all constraints enabled. The next 10 randomizations have the 'valid_ab_c' constraint block disabled, allowing invalid values to be produced.

Next Steps

Over the past few posts, we've looked at the key features and capabilities of PyVSC, a Python library for modeling constraints and functional coverage for verification. I would encourage you to use PyVSC, report bugs, and suggest enhancements. PyVSC is, of course, an open-source project, so contributions in the form of pull requests for bug fixes, documentation updates, and enhancements are always welcome as well.

For the last few months (pretty close to a year, actually) I've been really focused on hardware-centric functional verification infrastructure, with a focus on Python. I'm thinking it's time to get back to focusing a bit more on firmware development and embedded-software verification. There have been some interesting developments in this space, recently, which have the potential to enable significant changes in the way we develop and verify firmware and other low-level software. Look for more on that soon. Until then, stay safe and keep learning!
The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.