Saturday, April 25, 2020

Python Verification: Working with Coverage Data

Before jumping into this week's post, I wanted to offer a bit of an apology to my readers. I recently realized that, despite being a Google property, Blogger only notifies authors of comments for moderation if the author has specifically registered a 'moderator' email with the site. So, apologies to those of you that have commented on posts directly on the Blogger site and watched those comments hang out in limbo indefinitely. I should now receive notifications of new comments.

In my last post, we looked at modeling and sampling functional coverage in Python using the Python Verification Stimulus and Coverage (PyVSC). In that post, I showed how a textual coverage report could be generated to the console by calling an API. But, there is much more that we want to do with functional coverage data. The key question is: how do we store and manipulate it?

Storing Coverage Data

There are two big motivations for storing coverage data. The first is that we often wish to aggregate coverage across a large number of tool runs. In order to do that, we need a way to persist the coverage data collected by each individual tool run. The second is that we want to run analysis on the collected and aggregated coverage data. We want a way to browse through the data interactively, and create nice-looking reports and charts.

Standard Coverage Models

Storing coverage data isn't much different than storing any other data. The first big question to answer is whether there is a standard way of of representing the data, or whether we need to invent one. While I've certainly had fun in the past inventing new formats for representing and storing data, considering all the requirements and designing in appropriate features to represent all the key features of a given type of data is a time consuming problem. Certainly something that should be undertaken as a last resort.

The good news is that there are several existing formats for representing coverage. The bad news is that the vast majority are focused on representing code coverage data (eg Coburtura), not functional coverage data. That said, there is one industry standard for representing functional coverage and code coverage: Accellera Unified Coverage Interoperability Standard

While the  UCIS defines several things, it doesn't define a standard database format. That said, what it does define is very useful. Specifically it defines:
  • A data model for representing functional coverage, code coverage, and assertion coverage
  • A C-style API for accessing and modifying this data model
  • An XML interchange format to assist in moving data from one database implementation to another. In a pinch, the XML interchange format can even be used as a very simplistic database.
Design is tough, so it's almost always most efficient to make use of the work of a committee of smart and capable people instead of starting over. UCIS is certainly not perfect. There are some "bugs" in the spec, and some internal inconsistencies. That said, it's far better than starting with a blank sheet of paper. The next challenge was adapting UCIS to Python.

PyUCIS Library

Much of my work recently has been in Python, so I wanted a way to work with the UCIS data model in Python. The PyUCIS library is a pure-Python library for working with the UCIS data model. A block diagram of the architecture is shown below. 

Front-End API

The core of the PyUCIS library is an implementation of the UCIS API. Remember that the API defined by the UCIS is a C-style API, while Python is much more object-oriented. I initially decided to implement just an object-oriented version of the UCIS API, but then realized that reusing existing code snippets written in C would be much harder without an implementation of the C-style API. Fortunately, building a C-style compatibility API on top of the object-oriented one was fairly straightforward.


The PyUCIS library uses a back-end to store the data being accessed via the front-end API. The PyUCIS library currently implements two back ends: an in-memory back-end, and an interface to existing C-API implementations of the UCIS API.

The in-memory back-end stores coverage data in Python data structures. While it's not possible to persist the data model directly, the contents can be saved to and restored from the XML interchange format specified by the UCIS.

The C-library back-end uses the Python ctypes library to call the UCIS C API as implemented by a tool-specific shared library. This allows PyUCIS to access data in databases implemented by tools that support UCIS.

While PyUCIS doesn't currently implement its own native database for storing coverage data, it's likely that it will in the future. Fortunately, Python provides an SQLite database as part of the core interpreter installation. Stay tuned here.

Built-in Apps

The final part of the PyUCIS library are a set of built-in apps. These are used to perform simple manipulations on the coverage data and create outputs. Currently, PyUCIS only contains one built-in app: reading and writing the UCIS XML interchange format. That said, there are a couple planned on the roadmap:
  • A merge app to combine data from multiple UCIS data models
  • A report app to produce a textual or HTML coverage report


The top layer of the PyUCIS architecture diagram are external applications that use the PyUCIS API. At the moment, there is only one and it's a proof of concept. PyUCIS Viewer is a Python Qt5-based GUI for viewing coverage data.

While the viewer is certainly primitive (and incomplete) at the moment, hopefully this provides some ideas for what can be done with the data accessed via the PyUCIS API.

Next Steps

PyUCIS is a pretty early-stage tool. I'm using it to save coverage data from the PyVSC library, and to produce some simple text coverage reports, but there's still quite a bit to do. As always, if you'd like to contribute to this or other projects, I'd welcome the help. 
In the next post, I'll return the Python Verification Stimulus and Coverage (PyVSC) library to look at modeling constrained-random stimulus. Until then, stay safe!

The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Python Verification Stimulus and Coverage: Functional Coverage

In my last two posts (here and here), I've been talking about modeling random stimulus, constraints, and functional coverage in Python. After looking at the fundamentals of capturing the specifics of data types such that they can be used for hardware verification last week, lets look at using those data types for modeling functional coverage.

As I mentioned last week, I'm using this series of blog posts as a guide and as motivation to document the PyVSC package that implements the random stimulus and coverage that I'm describing. You can find documentation on the functional-coverage features in the Coverage chapter of the documentation on


SystemVerilog, as well as several other verification languages, groups functional coverage elements in a construct called a covergroup. A covergroup is a type (like a class) that can be instanced multiple times, and whose instances maintain a relationship back to the type. 

A PyVSC covergroup is a Python class with a special covergroup decorator. 

 class my_covergroup(object):

     def __init__(self):
         self.cp1 = vsc.coverpoint(self.a, bins={
             "a" : vsc.bin(1, 2, 4),
             "b" : vsc.bin(8, [12,15])

my_cg_1 = my_covergroup()
my_cg_2 = my_covergroup()

The covergroup decorator ensures that core methods and attributes are present in the covergroup class without requiring the class to derive from a specific base class. The decorator also ensures that certain introspection and class-construction steps are performed after the user's constructor code runs and before returning to the caller. Fortunately, all these details are hidden so a PyVSC covergroup behaves like any other Python class. Creating an instance of a covergroup is as simple as creating an instance of the class, as shown above.

Coverpoints, Bins, and Crosses

Once we have a covergroup type defined, we need to define the values, value ranges, and combinations of values we wish to observe during verification. These features are captured by coverpoints, bins, and coverpoint crosses.

All of these features are captured by calling PyVSC methods.
 class my_covergroup(object):

     def __init__(self, a : callable):

         self.cp1 = vsc.coverpoint(a, bins={
             "a" : vsc.bin(1, 2, 4),
             "b" : vsc.bin(8, [12,15])
For example, above we create a single coverpoint with two bins. The first bin ("a") will be considered covered if the coverpoint sees a value of 1, 2, or 4. The second will be considered covered if the coverpoint sees a value of 8, or 12..15.
 class my_covergroup(object):

     def __init__(self, a : callable):

         self.cp1 = vsc.coverpoint(a, bins={
             "a" : vsc.bin_array([], 1, 2, 4),
             "b" : vsc.bin_array([4], [8,16])
Creating arrays of bins is also important, of course. In the example above, we create two arrays of bins. The bin array labeled "a" will consist of three individual bins that, respectively, monitor the values 1, 2, and 4. The second bin array ("b") will consist of four individual bins that monitor the values 8..16. In this case, each bin will monitor two coverpoint values (8..9, 9..10, etc). If you're familiar with SystemVerilog, these features -- and even the syntax -- should look very familiar.

One question, of course, is how we associate a name with our coverpoints. If you've used verification frameworks that are embedded in C++ (eg SystemC, or SystemC SCV), you're probably used to specifying strings to name each element. One nice aspect of Python is that we're able to introspect the names of the variables to which features like coverpoints are assigned. So, part of the "magic" that our coverpoint decorator applies is to determine the names of coverpoints based on the class attributes to which coverpoints are assigned.

We don't just care about individual variable values, of course. We often need to ensure that combinations of variable values are exercised as part of verification. That's where coverpoint crosses come into play.
class my_covergroup(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.cp1 = vsc.coverpoint(self.a, bins={
            "a" : vsc.bin_array([], [1,15])
        self.cp2 = vsc.coverpoint(self.b, bins={
            "a" : vsc.bin_array([], [1,15])

        self.cp1X2 = vsc.cross([self.cp1, self.cp2])
Using the cross method, we can create a cross between two existing coverpoints. In the example above, we have created a cross that has 225 cross bins.

Sampling Coverage Data

One topic that we haven't yet looked at is how we will get the data to be sampled from the testbench to the covergroup for the PyVSC library to sample. PyVSC, like SystemVerilog, provides a sample method on the covergroup that is called by the testbench to cause the coverpoints and crosses to sample data. PyVSC provides two ways to channel data from the testbench to the covergroup to be sampled when the sample method is called.
class my_covergroup(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.cp1 = vsc.coverpoint(self.a, bins={
            "a" : vsc.bin(1, 2, 4),
            "b" : vsc.bin(8, [12,15])

cg = my_covergroup()
The first method for passing data to sample is to pass that data via the sample-method call. To use this method, your covergroup constructor must call the with_sample() method to specify the parameter names and types that will be accepted by the sample method. Note that the parameters need to be one of the PyVSC  types that we discussed last week. 

In the example above, the sample method will accept one parameter that is a 4-bit unsigned integer. Note that calling the with_sample() method will create attributes in the covergroup class that can be passed to coverpoint(s) as the variable to sample.

The second method for passing data for sampling to the covergroup is to specify the mapping when an instance of the covergroup class is created. 
 class my_covergroup(object):

     def __init__(self, a, b): # Need to use lambda for non-reference values

         self.cp1 = coverpoint(a,
                 a = bin_array([], [1,15])

         self.cp2 = coverpoint(b, bins=dict(
             b = bin_array([], [1,15])

 a = 0;
 b = 0;

 cg = my_covergroup(lambda:a, lambda:b)

 cg.sample() # Hit the first bin of cp1 and cp2

This approach uses Python lambda expressions to allow the covergroup to query the current value of variables when the sample method is called.


Once we start collecting functional coverage data, we'll want to know which combinations have been covered and which have not been covered. PyVSC provides a couple of options for seeing what combinations have been covered and which have not. I'll cover a couple of the simple ones in this post, and we'll come back for the more-ambitious one in a future post.

The simplest approaches to querying coverage are via APIs and as text reports. Each instance of a covergroup class provides a get_coverage() method that returns the percentage of coverage goals that have been achieved. In other words, when no combinations have been covered, this method will return 0, and will return 100 when all have been achieved. 

PyVSC also provides several methods for creating a coverage report as a Python object, a string, and displaying the coverage report in the transcript. 

A textual coverage report looks something like this:

TYPE my_cg : 75.000000%
    CVP a_cp : 75.000000%
        a : 3
        a : 3
        a : 17
        a : 0
    INST my_cg : 75.000000%
        CVP a_cp : 75.000000%
            a : 3
            a : 3
            a : 1
            a : 0
    INST my_cg_1 : 100.000000%
        CVP a_cp : 100.000000%
            a : 3
            a : 3
            a : 3
            a : 6

The textual coverage report reports on each type of covergroup that is in use, and on every instance of that covergroup.

Coming up Next

If you're interested in investigating  PyVSC a bit more, please see the documentation on If you'd like to try out the library yourself, you can install it (Linux-only) for Python3 using pip:
% pip install pyvsc

The textual coverage report I showed above is interesting, but is a pretty simplistic way to look at coverage data. In my next post, I'll talk about how we can store our coverage data in a form that can be merged, reported, and displayed. 

The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Python Verification Stimulus and Coverage: Data Types

In my last post, Modeling Random Stimulus and Functional Coverage in Python, I introduced a Python library for modeling random variables, constraints, and functional coverage. Starting with this post, I'll go through several aspects of the PyVSC library in greater detail. In this post, I'll cover the data types supported by PyVSC.

There are two reasons for doing this. For one thing, I think it's a useful way to describe the key features of the library (and hope you agree). The other reason is documentation. I don't do New Year's resolutions, but if I did one of mine this year would have been to do a better job of documenting my projects. For me, at least, documentation seems to be one of the hardest parts of a project -- or, at least, the easiest to defer and ignore. After coming back to a couple of my older projects and having to read code to figure out how to use them, I've decided that I need to invest more in documentation.

Fortunately, creating good documentation and making it readily-available has gotten much easier. Sphinx does a great job of converting ReStructured Text (RST) into nice-looking documentation. Read-the-docs ensures that the latest and greatest version of documentation is always just a click away. You can always find the latest PyVSC documentation here, and I'm investing more time in getting my other projects documented in the same way.

So, there you have it. My strategy is to introduce a set of PyVSC features in each of the next few posts. At the same time, I'll ensure the documentation for those features is in place. With that, let's dig in!

Verification Requires Being Specific with Datatypes

Increasingly, programming languages (looking at you, Python) are eager to separate the declaration of scalar data types from the way that they are represented. While C/C++, SystemVerilog, and Java all require the user to specify information about scalar data types -- width, sign, etc -- Python doesn't. An integer variable is as wide as it needs to be to hold the values the user wants to store in it. Furthermore, an integer variable doesn't have any notion of being signed or unsigned.

When verifying hardware, we need to be a bit more specific because we're working with designs that very much care about the representation of data types. The nets transferring data across a bus interface have a fixed width, and the data stored in registers has both a width and a sign. Consequently, the verification code we write must also be specific about the data it is sending and receiving from the design being verified.

So, when generating stimulus and collecting coverage, we definitely need to capture the width of each verification-centric variable, and whether it is signed or unsigned. With stimulus-generation , there is one other piece of information that we need to track: whether the variable is randomized. 

PyVSC and Scalar Datatypes

PyVSC uses specific data types for both constrained-random stimulus generation and for functional coverage collection. Like other randomization and coverage-collection frameworks, the use of specific data types provided by the library, instead of the language-provided built-in data types, serves two purposes. First, it allows the user to be sufficiently specific about the characteristics and meta-data of the data type. Second, it enables the library to capture expressions.

Currently, PyVSC supports three core categories of data type:

  • Integer scalar -- specific-bitwidth, signed and unsigned, random and non-random
  • Enumerated -- random and non-random variables 
  • Class -- random and non-random instances of a randobj class
class my_s(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_uint8_t()
        self.b = vsc.uint16_t(2)
        self.c = vsc.rand_int64_t()
PyVSC provides pre-defined data-type classes that roughly correspond to the standard data types defined by the stdint.h C/C++ header file. These data-type classes have widths that are multiples of 8 bits, and specify the sign and randomness of the variable.

Just to keep things straightforward, PyVSC defines classes that capture all 16 combinations of width, sign, and randomness.

PyVSC also provides classes for capturing fields that have a width that is not a multiple of 8, or that is wider than 64 bits. 

First, an example:

class my_s(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_int_t(27)
        self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(12)


The Data Types chapter of the documentation contains more examples and details on how all of these data types are used.

PyVSC and Composite Data Types

In true object-oriented fashion, PyVSC supports composing larger randomizable classes out of smaller randomizable classes. 

class my_sub_s(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_uint8_t()
        self.b = vsc.rand_uint8_t()

class my_s(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.i1 = vsc.rand_attr(my_sub_s())
        self.i2 = vsc.attr(my_sub_s())

In these cases, it's important to specify whether the class-type attribute should be randomized when the containing class is randomized. Decorating the attribute with rand_attr will cause the sub-attributes to be randomized. Not decorating the field, or decorating it with attr will cause the sub-attributes to not be randomized.

Accessing Attribute Values

It's quite common in randomization and coverage frameworks (eg SystemC SCV, CRAVE) to use method calls to access the value of randomizable class attributes. This is because the randomizable attributes are, themselves, objects.
PyVSC provides get_val() and set_val() methods for each scalar datatype provided by the library. In addition, PyVSC implements operator overloading for randobj-decorated classes. In most cases, this means that special randomizable class attributes operate just like any other scalar Python class attribute.

Coming up Next

In the next blog post, we'll look at PyVSC's support for modeling, capturing, and saving functional coverage data. Until then, feel free to check out the PyVSC documentation on If you'd like to experiment with PyVSC, install the pyvsc package from or check out the PyVSC repository on GitHub.

The views and opinions expressed above are solely those of the author and do not represent those of my employer or any other party.